Der Vater von Englisch - English’s Father
Dieser Artikel ist auf Englisch. In diesem Artikel habe ich englische und deutsche unterschiedlieche Formen erklärt. Today we know that, there are a lot of language as English, German, Turkish, Russian, Japanish, etc... all over the world. But todays all of people must know English also the people in all over the world knows English and speak it. However some people knows german language and speak it.
I say that, the English's grandfather is German Language. Because it's a languege from German. German language is bigger and older than English. It is a grandfather of others as English, Flamanish, Swedish, iceland language, etc... The people, who spoke german, lived in "Frankenreich" that is todays Germany and France. Roma empire said them; "Barbar". Because they lived in forest, on the horse as us. Also they had not a hause or city befor milad. English is same German language. We can see in some example. English German Language
I go to University.
Ich gehe an die Universität. Grammer = Gramatik Pron. + verb + Sentences. (Eng) Pronom + Verben + Satzen. (De) I come from England Ich komme aus England. Also "Land" mean in German is Country. That is; Deutschland = German people's Country. England = English People's Country. Niderland = People from north Country. As you see German language is a father of others as English, Flammanish,Norwegian etc... |
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